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Socio-economic insertion


A technical meeting entitled Socioeconomic Integration of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean was held on November 13, 2019, in Bogotá: a meeting of the Ministries of Labor in support of the Quito Process. 

Its goal was to discuss the challenges faced by the countries that are part of this regional mechanism, in order to promote the socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, exchange good practices and identify the contribution each can make to the implementation of the Quito Process Road Map, in particular through mechanisms that reinforce regional cooperation. At this meeting, a series of recommendations were approved seeking to promote the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, within a framework of regional efforts.

This meeting also complied with one of the agreements of the “Joint Declaration of the IV International Technical Meeting on Human Mobility of Venezuelan Nationals”, signed in Buenos Aires on July 4 and 5, 2019, which, in section 18 , stated that the ILO would carry out, with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR), a regional Technical Meeting that would establish bridges between migration policies and employment policies.

This meeting and the presentations made there by the participating delegations made clear the need for the aforementioned bridge between migration and employment policies. Under the premise that, to regularize is to grant rights, the Ministries of Labor showed that the more expeditious the regularization, the more protected workers will be and the less exposed to situations of labor exploitation and trafficking, especially in the case of women. People will also be able to enter the labor market in better conditions, whether in employment or self-employment within the formal sector of the economy; they will be able to be incorporated into the social protection systems and able to provide means of life for themselves and their families in a way that stimulates and favors their socio-economic integration in the host communities.

Thus, the benefits of migration are maximized, as well as the benefits for working people.

In Round VI, the emphasis was made on employment as one of the fundamental points for the integration of families within the host country, as well as on advancing mechanisms to standardize skills, raise regulatory matters, and achieve the homologation of certificates. The warning against child employment and the current conditions of women in work was also reinforced and a call was made to promote cooperation with international organizations

Regional socio-economic integration strategy
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