The Human Trafficking axis implements a Digital Form (FUR)
To design the baseline of the Regional Mechanism for the Fight against Human Trafficking, the technical group prepared the following single survey form to be answered by Member States.
Among the commitments made under the trafficking in persons thematic axis by the champion country, Ecuador, and the lead agency, IOM, it was agreed to:
- Create the baseline of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for the crime of human trafficking, focusing on its three axes; apply and implement the Single Survey Form, and initiate the communication campaign; advance the implementation of the Regional Coordination Mechanism.
Following up on the commitments and agreements agreed by the countries participating in the Lima Chapter and following up on the ones related to the Human Trafficking Working Group established in agreement 8, item n):
n) To advance the joint efforts that allow for the implementation of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Prevention, Protection, and Assistance and Judicialization of the Crime of Human Trafficking, including the creation of a baseline; likewise, the countries are congratulated for advancing and designing the regional campaign for the prevention of human trafficking, and accompanying specialized international organizations. Similarly, to highlight the full monitoring of the specialized international organizations by IOM, which is expressed in the interagency coordination, the technical cooperation and the relation with the specialized organizations of each member state;
Please note that the Forms are pre-coded, in order to optimize the responses. In some cases, you will be asked to attach reference documents.
From IOM, as the leading agency of the Human Trafficking Working Group under the Quito Process, Dayan Corrales ( and expert consultant María Fernanda Rodríguez ( are at full disposal to address consultations, questions or any other matter related to filling out the forms.
The team, who are grateful for your commitment to the working group, understand that gathering this information will provide relevant elements for the implementation of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for the Prevention, Protection, and Assistance and Judicialization of the Crime of Human Trafficking.